Homework @ HASN
Homework at HASN: Show My Homework/ Satchel 1
The role of the Homework Lead
- To ensure staff follow the two homework principles
- To ensure all homework booklets are on Show My Homework for each half-term, are QAd by the Senior Team and that track the curriculum effectively with sensible sequencing.
- To track homework completion and intervene every term leading a session at SLT and ensuring rewards and sanctions are being set.
- To ensure there is a daily homework club for students who need it.
- The homework leads ensure Satchel 1 log ins go out every half-term via the office manager.
Principle 1
Homework should be in as similar a format as possible.â¯In English, science, history, geography and RE this is a homework booklet. Booklets run up until each assessment.
In this booklet you would find
- Content linked to lessons - retrieval
- Quizzes – retrieval and storage
- Exam questions – deliberate practice
- Content enabling students to revise for their assessments
Each week students should complete pages or tasks formâ¯this booklet
In maths students will instead be expected to dedicate a minimum of half an hour each week to SparxMaths homework. SParx is an innovative online platform which is used to reinforce classroom learning, consolidate concepts, and foster a deeper understanding of mathematical principles.
For all other subjects homework is set as needed according to the principles laid out below.
Principle 2
Everyone follows the same setting and receiving routine
- It’s on Satchel
- It’s part of your PP/delivery connected to yourâ¯Do Now
- Set it at the same time everyâ¯week, andâ¯collect at theâ¯same time.â¯E.g.â¯Set on Monday, collect on followingâ¯Monday.
- Check it at the start of the lesson during the Do Now. Non-completion will mean a teacher detention where they complete it.
Why does it work?
- It structures their revision
- Cognitive load
- Workload – students and space
- Enables you to space your curriculum
- It’s there for next year
Weekly homework (the pages from the booklet) is set online through Satchel One: www.satchelone.com.
Homework Quantity Years 7-9
Most subjects should set tasks that take approximately 30 minutes to complete per week.
Maths; English; Science and Modern Foreign Languages should set tasks that take approximately 60 minutes to complete per week.
Homework Quantity Years 10-11
All subjects should set tasks that take approximately 60 minutes to complete per week.
Maths; English; Science and Modern Foreign Languages can choose to set a further 1 hour of homework per week.
Flexible tasks will be set, including pre-reading and wider reading, as a common practice throughout the year.
Homework Quantity Years KS5
A minimum of three hours homework per subject per week.
Assistant Principal will run a report from Satchel each half term to assess the consistency of HoD uploads of homework booklets.
For The Show My Homework login page please click on the thumbnail on the right
Teachers will set assignments, quizzes and/or spelling tests, indicating whether the task has been submitted or not, whether it was submitted late or whether the student needs to re-submit it.
Teachers will advise whether any attachments to homework tasks need to be printed or not and students can always use the Academy library facilities to print. If there are any issues with printing, teachers will provide paper copies. If a hand out was already given out in class, then the teacher will have mentioned this in on the website. Homework club is in the LRC every day after school.
Weekly homework is set online through Show My Homework, for on articles: